Learn about Chinese culture
Chinese culture is an exciting blend of traditions in philosophy, art, architecture, food, customs, and myths from its three thousand years of recorded history. Here we tell stories about these cultural traditions for building bridges to people of other cultures.
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From North to South—The World of Chinese Noodles
Food plays an outsized role in Chinese culture, and among different Chinese foods, noodles may be the most loved. Over millennia of noodle consumption in
Ode to Beijing
(北京精华) Just inside the north side of Beijing’s former city wall is the Drum Tower (鼓楼) and the Bell Tower (钟楼); both built in 1272
Legacy of Zheng He’s Voyages
(郑和下西洋的文化遗产) Since the first century, many regions of the South and Southeast Asia were connected by sea routes known as the Maritime Silk Road today
Who is Sun Wukong?
(孙悟空何许“人”也?) In the year 629 CE in the Tang Dynasty (唐朝), Xuanzang (玄奘), a Buddhist monk, set out from the Tang capital Chang’an (长安, present
Sages from the West—the Story of Matteo Ricci and his Fellow Jesuits
(利玛窦–促进西学东渐的第一人) In the mid-16th century, Jesuits, members of the Society of Jesus of the Catholic Church, first attempted to establish a mission in China. In